Transcription Instructions

Spelling, grammar, punctuation, word order, fractions, hyphens, symbols

Spelling: Use original spelling, misspellings will be kept

Illegible, unclear text or missing parts of page

Line breaks and spacing

Handling of date, header, and opening salutation, and closing salutation

<p>Example: date and header</p>
<p>Example: closing salutation</p>

Bold, underline, italic, superscript, blanks, indentation, etc.

See image below, the buttons for tagging and formatting for bold, underline, etc are in the upper right of the screen over the transcription section of the page in FromThePage:


For ledgers, please use markup to indicate columns with words or dollar amounts separated by a pipe ("|")sign. Example: | January 1 | To Rent of my Plantation | $ 400.00 | ... |


When it’s apparent that someone came along at a later date and added contextual information about the letter, highlight that portion of the text, and tag it with “marginalia.”


Transcribe handwriting as written on the envelope, with all text left justified in the transcript.